Children's Hyperinsulinism Charity

Courage Hope Inspiration

Teaching Staff Training

Helping Schools to Support HI children and young adults

Starting School

Having a new pupil start in your class or school brings its own emotions for teachers. Having a new pupil starting with additional medical needs on top, will naturally cause you some concerns and anxiety.

 We aim to help you understand more about Congenital Hyperinsulinism, and to arm you with some knowledge and tips that’ll help ensure you put the correct procedures in place to assist your pupil whilst they are in your care. We hope that by reading this information and getting to know your new pupil, that it will help to ensure there is a smooth transition for all.

Supporting a child with Hyperinsulinism requires not only an understanding of the condition and how it impacts on learning, but also to consider the consequences it can have on social, emotional development and well-being.

We have therefore produced a Schools Booklet – which represents the combined wisdom of our specialist Hyperinsulinism Teams, educational professionals and the trustees of the charity; brought together into a simple to understand a guide for schools.  Click here or on the image below to view the booklet.

The booklet is ideal for anyone supporting a student with Hyperinsulinism including headteachers, teachers, school nurses, TA’s and SENDCO’s, arming them with vital knowledge in preparation for the intake of our wonderful children so please encourage your child’s school to read this guide. The feedback from teachers attending our training events has always been overwhelming and numerous returning schools point to the usefulness and value in this booklet.

Details of training days and webinars will be coming soon. In the meantime we would invite you to check out our YouTube channel for a video on transitioning from Junior to High School  – please see the video section of our website.


Updated: Information for Schools - National Guidelines

Along with the Schools Booklet please read this document: ‘CHI Information for Schools’. This downloadable document contains guidance from the UK National Guidelines on Hyperinsulinism, providing advice from HI Specialists on the management of a pupil with Hyperinsulinism and the support they will require.

Supporting your student to communicate Hyperinsulinism and Wellbeing resources:

The Children’s Hyperinsulinism Charity is proud to support children to develop being, confidence and self advocacy skills. We have developed some resources to support wellbeing and help explain Hyperinsulinism, we hope you will support them to ‘show and tell’. Encourage them to share this with us and we will send them a Hyperinsulinism Hero certificate! 

Explaining Hyperinsulinism:

For younger children we have a Chloe the Rabbit storybook this is included in our school packs for free which can be requested by emailing 

Chloe the Rabbit Storybook description:  Chloe the rabbit has Hyperinsulinism. Follow Chloe and find out what it is like to have Hyperinsulinism. Find out about what this means for her day to day; for example blood sugar testing and dealing with hypoglycaemia. Also follow her as she goes to hospital for a controlled fasting test. A fun rhyming story with bold and colourful pictures. 

For older children we have:

Hyperinsulinism Poster and My Guide to Hyperinsulinism both can be downloaded for free from our self advocacy section:

Wellbeing Resources we have several resources designed to regulate emotions, help to understand feelings and to provide breathing exercises and suggested wellbeing activities. These can be downloaded for free on the following links:

Child wellbeing resources:

Older Child/Young Adults resources: