Money Matters
Main Benefits
- Disability Living Allowance
- Personal Independence Payment
- Carer’s Allowance
- Tax credits.
- Universal Credit
- Help with council tax.
Money Matters Teens PIP
- To help meet the costs of disability.
- Do not need a diagnosis.
- Not means tested.
- Paid in addition to other benefits, not treated as income and can lead to an increase in means tested benefits and tax credits.
- Has two components – mobility component and care component
- Child’s need for care and supervision must be substantially greater than non-disabled child of the same age.
- Must meet certain residence and presence tests.
Why claim?
- May need extra support to enable individual needs to be met.
- Gateway to other support e.g. carers allowance, extra tax credits
- To help meet the extra costs you have in looking after a child with disabilities.
How to Claim
To obtain a claim form, call Disability Living Allowance Helpline on 0800 121 4600 This means payment can be backdated to the date the phone call was made.
- There is a six-week deadline to complete the form.
- Think of as many professionals as possible who can support the claim and ask them to provide evidence.
- It is often a good idea to get help filling in the form – it is important to arrange this as early as possible.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Disability benefit similar to DLA but for children 16+
- PIP Assessment
- assessment “points based” on your ability to carry out a range of daily living and mobility activities.
- looks how your health/disability impacts you to carry out these activities and the help you need.
How to Claim
- Shortly after a child reaches 16 they receive a letter from the DWP inviting them to make a claim (in most circumstances).
- They will not be moved to PIP automatically.
- If child not able to manage their own money and benefits when they turn 16 you can apply to be their appointee
- If already an appointee for DLA, this does not automatically move over to PIP.
- Need to request an appointee form (same as DLA) and thereafter, the DWP will arrange a support visit and interview to ensure an appointee is needed.
Top tips
- Take your time. Don’t try to finish it all in one go.
- Get specialist advice from a welfare benefits advisor.
- Keep a diary the week before tackling the form.
- Give as much information as possible.
- Include supporting evidence with the form.
- Ask yourself – have you included enough evidence to convince someone who hasn’t met your child.
- Keep a copy of the form.
How to Challenge
- If your child is refused DLA or PIP or awarded a lower rate than expected, you can challenge the decision.
- Reconsideration request – asking for the decision to be looked at again.
- Appeal – If you are not happy with the reconsideration (but this may result in the rate going down, as well as up)
Carer's Allowance
- Present rate for Carers’ Allowance is £76.75
- Not means tested — but there is an earnings limit, presently £139.00 per week, less deductions (carer’s earnings only)
- You can claim if your child receives DLA care at middle or higher rate or PIP daily living component at any rate.
- Need to be providing at least 35 hours care per week.
- Cannot get CA if a full-time student.
- Anyone who meets tests can claim. Don’t necessarily need to be parent.
Universal Credit
- New means tested benefit replacing all legacy benefits such as income Support, income related ESA, both types of tax credits and housing benefit
- Single monthly payment (in arrears) includes money to cover rent charges.
- Claimed on-line and usually a 5 week wait for 1st payment.
- Has replaced all new claims for means tested benefits and tax credits in all parts of the UK.
Universal Credit - Existing Claimants
- Existing means tested benefits/tax credits claimants who have no change of circumstances not currently being asked to claim UC.
- Existing claimants will eventually be moved onto UC at some point. This is known as ‘managed migration’.
- Managed migration was due to start in 2020 with the last claimants being moved onto UC by the end of 2023. This will be delayed by the Coronavirus outbreak.
- Those worse off on UC after managed migration are transitionally protected i.e. get a top-up payment.
Universal Credit Concerns
- Disability element is lower for most children.
- Disabled parents will either get a carer element or a disability element but not both.
- No payments for looked after children in residential accommodation.
- Where couple both care full time for the same disabled child one partner may be asked to look for work
Universal Credit Positives
- You can get a carer addition even if your earnings are too high to get Carer’s Allowance
- Don’t need to work 16 hrs to get help with childcare, any number of hours will do.
- 85% of childcare costs met.
- Those eligible for CA are exempt from ALL conditionality including work focused interviews.
Other Help
- Council Tax – may get a disability reduction / discount.
- Help with utility bills.
- Blue Badge
- Road Tax Exemption
- CEA card/Max card
- Help with bus/rail travel.
- Family Fund
Benefit Rates
Find Out More
Contact Charity – Freephone 0808 808 3555
Cerebra Charity – DLA Guide
Thanks to Karen Hoe OBE and Maria Wilson Contact Charity Representatives
The Children’s Hyperinsulinism Charity Conference 2023